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Transportation Safety for Pets

Hi, my name is Julie, and here by my side is my faithful companion Frieda, my therapy dog. I love to travel and have spent a lot of time travelling, but unfortunately, a few years ago, my anxiety increased in a way that made it hard to travel. As a result, I got a therapy dog. Frieda has been a literal lifesaver for me, but I have had to learn how to travel with her. In particular, I have had to learn how to help her have a safe experience on different modes of transportation. This blog is devoted to that concept. Whether you are travelling with a working companion or a pet in a pet carrier, this blog has tips on making that experience safe.


Transportation Safety for Pets

Why You Should Never Try Transport Refrigerated Items On Your Own

by Noelle Frazier

Australia is undeniably a hot country, with wide-open spaces and not much shade around much of the major highways. The sun can beat down and affect almost every car on the road if you travel during the day. If you are transporting any sort of fresh or spoilable goods for a sizeable distance, then you will need refrigerated transport. The risk to reward ratio of attempting to transport these items on your own is simply not worth it. Here are a few reasons why refrigerated transport is such a must-have for those transporting any number of refrigerated goods.

Getting There In Top Condition

While you may be able to theoretically transport your refrigerated goods from one space to another without them totally becoming ruined, you will not be able to do so without affecting the quality of the items. That is undeniable. Whether you are moving food items, drinks, medical equipment or any number of other specialty items, heat will damage them to some degree. Refrigerated transport is the only way to ensure that they not only arrive but arrive in a condition that is acceptable to whoever you are delivering them to. No one wants a half-ruined batch of fruit or something to that effect.

Deliveries Of Any Size

Trying to transport several hundred kilograms of items that need to be kept at a certain temperature is virtually impossible for traditional vehicles and trucks. Not only is this too heavy to store safely, but it would require far too much power to properly cool them over a long journey. Refrigerated transports come in a variety of sizes that can accommodate virtually any load because they are specifically designed to be as insulated and well refrigerated as possible. Don't risk your valuable cargo just to save a few bucks on professional transport.

Precise Monitoring

Sometimes, you may not even realise that your items are spoiling in the back of your regular truck because you can't really see them or feel how hot it is back in the blazing sun. Refrigerated transports are equipped with temperature controls that allow the drivers to spot when something is amiss and accurately control the interior temperature to your required specifications. This information is all logged and then can be accessed by you or the client when the trip is over, as proof that nothing negative impacted the cargo.

For more information about refrigerated transport, contact a local trucking company.
